The putative roles of FSH and AMH in the regulation of oocyte developmental competence: from fertility prognosis to mechanisms underlying age-related subfertility 

Published On: February 8, 2022

Fertility loss during female ageing is associated with increasing basal FSH and decreasing anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) concentrations, together with compromised oocyte quality, presumably due to increased oxidative stress (OS) and DNA damage, as well as reduced metabolic and meiotic competences. Basal FSH and AMH circulatory concentrations have been broadly utilized as IVF success predictors, regardless of fluctuations in prognostic accuracy; basal FSH and AMH perform better in pre-advanced maternal age (AMA: >35 years) and AMA patients, respectively. The relationships between FSH and AMH intrafollicular levels and IVF outcomes suggest, nevertheless, that both hormones regulate oocyte competence, supporting the hypothesis that changes in FSH/AMH levels cause, at least in part, oocyte quality degradation during ageing. To understand the reasons behind the fluctuations in FSH and AMH prognostic accuracies and to clarify their participation in mechanisms determining oocyte competence and age-related subfertility, a deeper knowledge of the regulation of FSH and AMH intrafollicular signalling during the female reproductive lifespan, and of their effects on the cumulus-oocyte complex, is required.